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Monday, February 13, 2012

Another Celebrity...

So another celebrities tragic death has occured a few days ago, this time it was 48 year old Whitney Houston, who had battled drug and alcohol addiction for quite some time.
My question is, "Why did it happen????"
I'm a very strong willed person who has always been independent and I just can't seem to build up compassion for a person who overdosed on drugs. Yes, it's tragic...I'll agree to that, but I just don't get how a person can let themselves go like that. Where was everyone during her many years of going downhill did they just turn their heads? Too many people do this and it upsets me.
In a world where people are trying to do everything it takes to survive...why do we throw our sympathy towards someone who carelessly threw their lives away, especially when that person has all of the available resources to get the top of the line care and rehab. Why was Whitney Houston honored last night at the Grammys? If she was praised and loved so much by her celebrity family and fans, where were they while she was battling with her addictions? Of course this is pure speculation on my part...perhaps she died of natural causes...if so, then I apologize. I just had to get this out...


  1. It's hard to see someone, anyone, brought down by a hard life. I have learned that they can't change unless THEY want to themselves. They can't be forced into it, even though many friends & family try. It's rare that someone hits rock bottom and wants to change. They have to be scared to death, literally. I feel sorry for anyone with any addiction. It's just a sad situation. I have accepted that I can't save everyone, although I want to. Just try to influence your friends & family (especially children) to surround themselves with good people & show them the best example that you can. And be thankful you were raised in a good family. (:

  2. Very true. I can't say that I know what it's like to hit rock bottom...I have seen bad things happen to good people and I got frustrated and just left them because I couldn't straighten them out. It's hard for me to understand WHY they can't. I'm such a controlling individual that maybe this would be why I never let addiction take over me because that would me that IT was in control. I'm sure it's more complex than that. In your line of duty I would go crazy always wondering what happened to this person or that person..I'd want to know if they straightened out or not. :)
