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Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Lonely Sibling

After several, maybe even a decade of fighting a battle with my sister in law, this morning in the shower it finally came to me: SHE WON.
I know my brother to be quiet, to go with the flow and to remain calm. I am the exact opposite...I like to speak my mind, end resolutions, win wars, change the world! My sister in law likes to be in charge, demanding, and to her their is one world, my brother. Which is very loving and nice but along with my brother is a family and to her this family is a distraction which pulls away her much needed attention.
For years I've been playing tug of war with my brother...trying to pull him into town for visits now and then but this is becoming more and more scarce.
We were so close as siblings and he has always been my friend. Without him I am deeply saddened and I've been quite hateful and harsh towards him. (Typical Scorpio reaction to hurt) I miss him terribly but am afraid that the feeling is not mutual.
Over the years, my very distant and cold sister in law has slowly been chipping away at the bridge which connects my brother to me, to my mother, his nieces...all of us. There's nothing left for us to cross over and communicate with each other. There's been no repair to this bridge resulting in permanent closure.
So this morning as I grit my teeth...all of a sudden it him me: SHE HAS WON. I need to just let it all go and accept this instead of being upset and hurt.