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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Wishy Washy People

I'm at a point in my life where if I've pissed you off you need to be upfront and let me know. I don't have time for these childish ignoring games. My pet peeve is when people just are not upfront with me. If you're pissed, then say something...let's resolve it and move on. Simple as that. It's a lot easier than spending a year or so walking on egg shells with a person wondering when they'll get over whatever the hell they're upset about. I especially am annoyed when it's an ongoing, reoccurring issue with the same people...over and over and over again. I make an effort to resolve things. It's healthier and less stressful that way. Life is hard enough without having to worry about wishy washy people. What do others do with these kind of people in their lives. Ignore them and wait for them to come around on their own terms and then you have to pretend as if nothings wrong? As if you haven't been ignored for a year? Seriously, I'm going to start cutting people loose when this happens especially when it's the same person over and over again. There has to become a point where enough is enough. It seems to me to be a type of abusive friendship. lol

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