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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Flip Flops and Winter Boots

This winter is just absolutely insane! I know I keep talking about it on Facebook and have mentioned it a few times on here but what the heck is going on out there? Can Mother Nature pick a season? All of our closets look like some sort of explosion because of all of the extreme weather changes I can't seem to pack away any seasonal clothes but instead have to keep bringing out more and more. Today I had to bust out some summer clothes for the heat wave we had today. The coat area has been by far the most hit area. It looks like a tornado went through the utility closet! I have never seen such a thing! On the floor we have winter boots and flip flops and hanging up we have Winter coats and light weight jackets. Scarves, hats, gloves, umbrellas & sunglasses.
Then there's the outside. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to Weed? Yes...I said weed. Does anyone else have weeds in the flower beds that never died over winter? My weeds just kept growing and multiplying. I'm not quite sure what to do with them. Some of them might be perennials popping up and I'd hate to pull them up. This is where my organization in the flower bed haunts me. I've never marked what I put where and I (of course) lost my little Garden Diary where I wrote down everything that I planted.
I pruned our fruit trees today and topped off some bushes. Not sure if that is OK but I just wanted to do something outside that was productive. I also swept off the pool deck and pulled down my Morning Glories and cleaned up that area. Picked up branches here and there...the entire time I kept telling myself that it is only March!
One thing that bothers me are the amount of insects that are already outside. I've seen mosquito's already and today we were attacked by Ants in Tayla's room. I killed 8! To me that is an infestation! I about freaked...yuck! I'm not sure where they are coming from but they need to go back where they came from. This is not going to be a pleasant Summer I can already tell. I have a feeling it's going to be very hot and very buggy. I put up a Purple Martin 6 room house to hopefully keep down the insects on our 2 acres. Unfortunately I believe that the new tenants are NOT Purple Martins so I'm not sure what to do about this one. Shake the bird house and hope to God they don't attack?!?! Someone was talking about putting up bat houses...I saw some today at the store and I do believe that I will be purchasing some of these bad boys. Bats eat TONS of mosquitoes!
We will just have to play everything by ear. Hey, maybe we'll luck out and all of the insects will come out and then the temps drop and freeze them to death...that may help kill their population! I still am waiting for a snowstorm to come. Anything is possible!

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