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Friday, March 23, 2012

White Gloves and Posture

Words cannot describe the love I have for the lifestyle once lived by those before the 50's! This would be when people actually took pride in what they wore and even if they only had one good dress that is what they wore when going out and it was fabulous! Women in white gloves and dresses with posture and manners. Kids dressed up and dressed in their Sundays best when dining out, going to church...while in the public. Everything that people owned was cherished and had value. People respected each other...and were polite. Entertainment was minimal and work was hard but still more pride seemed to exist back then. What has happened to us? Our fine china has been replaced with plastic...hand made, solid wood furniture has been replaced with cheap pieces of crap that last a little under a couple of years...people ate out only a handful of times in a year and when they did they were dressed their best and the children wouldn't dare misbehave. 
I think maybe we should start eating off of crystal dinnerware, sterling silver flatware and linen tablecloths. 
Let's start dressing up and having dinner parties...sip our tea or coffee out of porcelain cups with saucers...should I take off my rose colored glasses yet?

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