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Saturday, January 21, 2012

To Snowman or Not?

Well, I thought I'd give this blog thing a try since I have the time and resources to scrounge up the occasional thought.  I've been wanting to start a blog ever since my brother, Bryan, sarcastically mentioned that I had quite a "Blog" going on with my Facebook site, meaning, you're placing too many posts on there!
I'm happy with being a stay at home mom but one of the down side is, that you also have no contact with the outside world and have minimal conversation with people over the age of 6. With this being said , it is enticing to place updates on your status every 2 minutes on Facebook, because it gives you the feeling as if you're actually communicating with friends, especially when they post on your updates! Yes, I'm being dramatic but I'm good at it.
The big question today is, "To Snowman or to Not Snowman????" Tayla is 6 and Nora almost 3 and because of global warming and winds and cold temperatures with every winter there is never a perfect mixture for snowman weather. Well, today we'll make yet another attempt to build a snowman...fingers crossed that the snow is the appropriate density. Well...we're off!!


  1. We had a small window where the snow became good "snowman" snow. The hubby & all 4 kids were able to build one in the back yard. I was the role of support staff, making chili & cookies inside. It was a win, win situation. Then the darn snowman was melted the next day. But we have pics to prove it!

  2. I remember that one day of good snowman weather well...but I gave up because the previous day we spent a half an hour making a one and a half foot snowman...
