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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Little Big Girl, Tayla

Recently Tayla and I had a discussion about how she's going through just the beginning (Round 1) of tough times. Both she and I are having difficulties, because she's too old to be treated like a little person and she's too little to be treated like an older girl. This makes it tough on how to discipline both her and Nora for the same punishment. Tayla knows better about certain do's and don'ts but little Nora is still on her way of learning. So I tend to yell at Tayla more about things (which probably isn't fair at all) but Nora isn't old enough to know how to defend herself or even act sneaky or pull a fast one on her sister. Maybe once Tayla discovers the benefits of being an older sibling, she'll be able to accept it more. But, until then, she says she wants to be Nora and stay at home with momma all day long and not go to school. What is a mother to do but be flattered when their child says such a thing...but instead, I explained to her how wonderful it is to be a big sister and how wonderful she is at it.


  1. I hear ya there! It's tough to discipline the kids when they are different ages, and THEY know it, too. Glad I'm not the only one, and that's a great idea to tell her how special she is to be a big sister.

  2. I was the younger sibling...I always looked at my older brother as "having it all" but I could tell that he never knew it. Now I know how he must have felt growing up...especially since I was SUCH an ADORABLE girl! :)
