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Friday, May 4, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

The girls are spent and waiting for summer arrival so they can swim and play non-stop...stay up late and sleep in. For me, this means 3 months of a non-structured, chaotic whirl wind of a summer. I'm a rather structured, routine person so when the summer comes things get a little crazy for me. I like to know where the day is headed so I'm aware of a beginning and end point. Haha...I's anal but it's all I got. So, because my kids are kids I throw out routine and structure during the summer and we play everything by ear which usually results in me losing my mind more so than I already have. I do have to admit that I am looking forward to the sleeping in part mainly because I've been staying up until the wee hours of the morning catering to my new addiction: Law & Order: Criminal Intent!  (I'm a little behind the times with my TV shows)
This summer should be interesting with a new addition to the Myers family: Sophie! A 4 month old German Shepherd we rescued from a shelter. I know nothing about dogs but I must be doing something right because she seems to be very loyal to me and listens to what I tell her to do more than anyone. Maybe it's fear because she hears me scream at the kids all of the time. She's a very smart little pup and we hope to train her well.
I've been so busy with everything that I haven't blogged for quite sometime. A lot has happened since my last post. We cleared everything out of my Grandma's house with a semi-productive garage sale last weekend. The only thing left I have to get is her antique Mahogany Hutch which is BEAUTIFUL! I'm looking forward to stocking it with my precious items and I can't wait to decorate the top with 2 beautiful vintage glass cubed buffet lamps I got for $1 at a garage sale! I would have loved to have had the beautiful Duncan and Phyfe Dining Room table and chairs to go along with it but who has dining rooms anymore?
I've also been busy gardening, gardening and more gardening. Transplanting perennials here and there and everywhere!
I also transplanted a mystery tree from our woods to the front and some wild raspberries!
I'll have pictures to post of everything at a later time!
For now...I'm ready to head back outside and begin my morning with some weeding before it rains.

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